David Jobling
Role on committee (if applicable)? I currently hold two roles: Tour Coordinator and Area Coordinator. As Tour coordinator I am the central contact, for all things tour-related, making sure payments are received and hotels are paid etc. As one of the Area Coordinators, it means that I look after the Observers and Associates in the West area and supporting the Group Training Officer.
When did you start biking? 1975
How did you start biking? I started at 16 on a Yamaha FS1-E, passed my test on my 17thbirthday on a Kawasaki 100 that I’d borrowed from a local dealer, had a couple of Yamaha RDs then bought my first new bike, a Suzuki GS550 in 1980 which I kept for over 10 years.
When did you join BAM? Joined in 2019 to be a better / safer rider, after encouragement and advice from Brian Holton and Paul Jones. I also liked the sound of the social activities- the Full Members Runs and Tours.
Best things about BAM? The training and test certainly made me a safer rider, and riding with others that follow the system is so much safer and more predictable than in other groups. I love going on the Sunday FMRs, and going away on the tours, and have added a couple of new tours to the BAM Calendar.
What Difference did joining BAM have on your riding/life? I can honestly say that club membership with observed rides, the comprehensive safety training, FMRs [Full Member Rideouts] and our Tours have all contributed to me being a more confident rider and have certainly made riding far more enjoyable.
Current bike(s): Current bike is a BMW F750GS, I was offered a good deal when I was looking around for a smaller bike and it is surprisingly capable, I can see me keeping it long term. I also have a KTM 390, I like to have a lightweight single cylinder bike for pottering around the back roads.
Most interesting story, or best experience, from your biking history: I have been riding since I was 16, including when I lived in Japan where I got in to the habit of getting new bike every year. Some candidates for “bike I wish I’d never sold” during that period including a CBR250 4 cylinder and a VFR400. I also got in to trail riding there, after the Kobe earthquake in 1995 I could see the only people getting around were on trail bikes, so I got myself a small Yamaha “just in case”.